jeudi 10 mars 2011

Vienne , Vienna Austrian Capital

Vienna, situated on the shores of the Danube, is an historic city by excellence. It was the capital of the Habsburg Empire for almost seven centuries, and that of Austria since 1918. In this respect, she was deeply marked by the reign of the first who shaped its architecture in a spectacular way. The result is today a mass of contradictions made ​​at the time of grandiosity and obsolescence, classicism and modernity.

At the outset, Vienna amazes by its romantic and flamboyant architecture which led to his being a World Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO. Monuments, and many noteworthy, are perfectly in line with the city's standing. It's a real pleasure to stroll through the magnificent avenues. However, very quickly, it is "too much ". Vienna proves timeless with its blare and chamber music. While the setting is romantic, but we feel constantly dusting its prestigious past.

Fortunately, away from touristic areas, the Austrian capital has reinvented itself. In its cultural policy first. Museums, so far quite conservative, tend to present avant-garde collections and agree with the issues of contemporary societies. Moreover, the number of galleries of contemporary art did not grown exponentially? Similarly, in the Strauss waltzes are geared sounds folk / rock from underground clubs in the capital. You understood, Vienna is a city of contradictions on which it is difficult to give an opinion. Generally, we love it or hate it.

samedi 22 janvier 2011

Cuba Guide Travel

Cuba, the largest Caribbean island, which has shaped a bit like a big crocodile. Its thousands  miles of beaches , that have  the color of the pearl, his music enchants you. Spain and Africa have managed a great mix here. Adding to that an architecture semi-Spanish and semi-colonial  , which will completely plunge you in a typical Cubian ambience.
But the island is also a great poverty. Hay que luchar! ("There's only fight!"). This Lucha  is the only means of survival on the island. Financially but also psychologically.
The people are poor, helpless. It should however be noted that many services to the public are inexpensive (transport, entertainment, electricity, rent, etc..) Or even totally free (medicine, education). Cuba, they are people who, with almost nothing, build a mountain.
This country is a "socialist Eldorado", some would say. Paradise for tourists, yes, but not for the people. The system prevents Cubans from being truly free, and youth, who did not experience the revolution, aspires to new horizons.

Hay que inventar ("You have just to invent"),Cubans say that since the start of the "special period" in 1990, crushed under the weight of everyday problems. D is the system that can get out ... The population is aware that the economical misery is the product of an outdated system and a U.S ban without justification.
Cubans expect little in the formal economy, Paralyzed by bureaucracy. The economy is the only one able to give them additional income and especially Cuban convertible pesos which they need it so much.

dimanche 16 janvier 2011

Costa Rica : Travel Guide

"¡Pura Vida! ", the costa ricanfetish term  is one of terms that describes better the country that overflows life in all its forms. The friendliness and warmth of the Ticos matched the extraordinary richness of nature.First , going to Costa Rica is to afford a trip to play Indiana Jones in a wilderness paradise! A paradise that offers all at once dreamy beaches and soaring mountains, the heaviest jungles and lunar steppes ; deep seabed reliable of the beautiful aquariums and the immense forests with breathtaking, intricate mangroves and two oceans with waves sometimes impressive ...

Costa Rica collected in a "pocket handkerchief" of just over 51 000 km ². But Costa Rica is a country of particular meetings,opened residents , sensitive and welcoming ... A country that has abandoned his army and special health and education of its people without waiting mode of sustainable development. A country where it is easy to be a  pleased traveler  and fulfilled!


The health status of Costa Rica is quite correct. No specific vaccination is obligatory in order to enter to Costa Rica.

If tap water is generally safe, you'll want as much as possible mineral water, very easy to find. Similarly, fruit and raw vegetables are eaten cooked or just pre-rinsed.
Insects are evidently numerous, especially in the jungle.So, It is necessary to provide the usual protection: anti-mosquito (day and night) and mosquito nets.

It is reported in the 2009 fall an upsurge of dengue, a disease against which there is no vaccine.

A travel insurance, illness and repatriation is highly recommended in this case.

Arrived to Costa Rica

There are two international airports in Costa Rica: 'Aeropuerto Internacional Juan Santamaría' and 'Daniel Oduber Aeropuerto'.

The Aeropuerto Internacional Juan Santamaría is the main airport. It is 17 km from the capital city and receives flights from major international airlines. You'll find everything you need: currency exchange, car rental, duty free, etc..
Taxis are waiting outside the airport (reservations available online). The ride to San Jose should cost less than 4000 colones (6.10 €).
You can also take a bus across from  airport that can take you into town.
The Aeropuerto Daniel Oduber, smaller, is located in Guanacaste near Liberia (17 km south). The planes landing there are mainly domestic flights.

Bali : Tourist Guide

Bali, the "Island of the Gods", it's still breathing , and still have charm and beauty. It is one of the smaller islands of the Indonesian archipelago, but it's the most coveted island by tourists (with Lombok, which begins to point the tip of his nose).
This little paradise combines all the elements necessary for a successful holiday. Beautiful beaches,extraordinary volcanic landforms coverd by forest, hills on which the terraced rice draw a nice curves where the light dancing , a living culture, authentic and most importantly, a population with an amazing kindness.What is wonderful too,is the taste of Balinese arts and for harmony.

Faced to the tourist invasion of the southern beaches, they retain their customs. Bali is certainly one of the last places in the world that, despite the tourism boom has not completely sold his soul ... although the Balinese have always something to sell you! The main interest of the island resides in everyday life. Here more than elsewhere, we must be able to lose and take our time.
Despite the difficulties of everyday life, they continue to maintain a very cordial relations area with tourists.You must develop every opportunity to contact the premises if you want to discover the Bali rites,nocturnal ceremonies ,the trance dances. With a few basics of Indonesian Bahasa and a few sleepless nights, we gradually penetrate into another world, unsuspected by the tourists who come in waves for the "bogus" trances, or cremations widely advertised.

mercredi 12 janvier 2011

honeymoon Destinations.

you are married or just you plan to, once you get married, you should just fly away to a heavenly destination where you host your love. For 50% of newlyweds, the honeymoon is the perfect alternative to avoid compile a list of traditional marriage. In total, 92% of married go on a honeymoon and 84% of them mentioned in the top of their wedding list.

The trip takes an average of 12 days. The newlyweds usually go between April and September. When the budget is consecrated, it represents on average between 3 000 and 4 000 €. For the honeymoon it must necessarily be memorable, even if what is the price to pay ! As the famous adage said: "When we loves, we don't count.".
Many agencies offer special brochures "honeymoon" which offer discounts on stays and extras on arrival :cocktail, bottle of wine or champagne, fruit basket, t-shirts, dinner by candlelight, upgrade ... But all the offers do not offer the same benefits: some are content to improve the ordinary, while others offer really interesting offerings.
Among the most popular destinations for lovers, the islands are classified as winners - Mauritius, Seychelles, Maldives, Reunion, Polynesia, Dominican Republic, Martinique ... - for their cocktail white sand, palm trees and clear waters. But all the lovebirds do not aspire to bask in the sun for hours. Some also want to see the country, barouder. Hence the emergence offers the most authentic, but also more active as African safaris, treks in Oceania and new destinations for weddings: Thailand, India, Namibia ... A good compromise exists: a combination of two weeks of relaxing (usually at the end) and a discovery more "roots".

The best time to go
Polynesia: April-October
Caribbean, Costa Rica and Argentina: from December to April.
India: November to March
Mauritius and Reunion: May-November
Maldives: December to April
Southern Africa: from May to October

mardi 11 janvier 2011

Safe travel : Part 1

Many people in traveling are terrified from the prospect of being victims of aggression. The anxious, fearful, obsessed with the safety, listen well: travel is not dangerous! This is not because you will leave your familiar surroundings you will necessarily fall into a death trap.
That said, there is a minimum of precautions and these precautions are the same in New York, Rome, Bangkok , La Paz or every where in the world. It is true that there are places where you must be more attentive than others. For example, the risk of theft is higher in Peru and Bolivia, who knows why! However, high risk or low risk, ways to counter them are exactly the same. It should not take fewer precautions when the risk is minimal or beeing more vigilant when the risk is high. All preventive measures are just plain common sense and one has only to adapt to the conditions of the countries that you visit. The risk exists, but it's a controlled risk that some rules of prudence quite elementary significantly reduce it.

People like to associate the concept of danger to that of poverty: a rich country would be less dangerous than a poor country. The feeling of absolute security we feel in a familiar environment is as misleading as the feeling of threat that can affect us when it comes out. This is not because the environment is different that it's more threatening. All the regulars of the trip will tell you : it's still in big U.S cities where they are the most attentive.
For the ordinary traveler, there are very few countries at risk. Those who are a danger , are almost completely inaccessible to tourists. Moreover, apart from an aid worker or journalist, who might want to spend his vacation in a country in civil war? However, some regions of countries entirely safe may be more riskful (as West Papua in Indonesia) and some major western cities, perfectly respectable also have unsavory neighborhoods (like the Downtown Miami). They are avoided altogether.
It's the security like health care. The problems would be minimal if they occur at home, but when one is away they can become extremely annoying.

- The outward signs of wealth

Around the world, it is better to not tempt thieves by displaying their trappings of wealth.Leaves your jewelry at home, bought a cheap watch for the journey,put small earrings worthless, avoid the fancy clothes and makeup too scholarly,replace beautiful bags and  beautiful leather bags with accessories less valuable. In short,  avoid attracting attention. If you travel from a luxury hotel to another, where the customer is often treated on its apparent signs of wealth, it is transformed into an ordinary person when you come out into the street.

- Luggage

We must never, however little it is, put bags on the floor or leave your luggage unattended, especially in crowded public places like railway stations, airports and public procurement. There may be people waiting around for a split second of inattention on the part of the traveler to leave with his possessions.

It is wise in his travel, pack his bags with a small padlock. Besides that this should reassure people who fear to use smugglers for profit or products promoted on a flight, some instructions will refuse bags which are not locked.It Must sometimes provide a bicycle chain and padlock to secure its large amounts of luggage racks. You can also use this method to tie his suitcase on the occasion of a long journey by public transport.

- Wallets

Never place your wallet in your backpack. It would make life beautiful for the thief who you would have seen. Wallets must be stowed in a front pocket, never in the back pocket of trousers, too easy to strip. It is recommended to keep only a minimum of money and credit cards to safety elsewhere.

- Currency

Always count your money on the place, in front of the person who has surrendered. Some of them intend to take a generous tip at the expense of unsuspecting tourists. When you pay for a service or a purchase, you can take into account the money that he/she should give you ,you should go to the calculator, in font of the officer. It's much more embarrassing for him not to put everything. And even recount what he gave us!

lundi 10 janvier 2011

Dubai : Arabien Dream

With its futuristic buildings risen from the desert, its artificial islands in the works, its malls - mega complexes shopping - ever larger, its latest luxury hotel, his projects always more crazy than the others, Dubai embodies in his own way again the Arab dream. Island of modernity in the heart of the Arabian Peninsula, a crossroads between East and West, the second largest emirate of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) plays the card of excess on the world tourism scene. Once arid desert inhabited by Bedouins and small fishing port known for its pearls, the emirate of Dubai today booming economy and real estate, is now the turn of the twenty-first century one of the most dynamic countries in the world . Oil money flows like water here, causing a spectacular development.

Dubai alone concentrate over 15% of global real estate construction and more than 25% of the cranes currently in use on five continents. It is the city of superlatives and a thousand and one follies where everything seems possible as the imagination of sheiks is limitless. Architects, designers and entrepreneurs from around the world will give heart to joy. Ski resort in the desert, dining in the eye, turn the world's tallest, man-made islands shaped planet, underwater hotel underwater off the coast ...
Standing starts, full of energy, Dubai seems it would never stop. The stated goal is to become the Hong Kong tomorrow with Arab glitter of Las Vegas. Sunny all year round, situated between the desert and the warm sea of the Arabian Gulf, Dubai is particularly popular for its sandy beaches, sun and winter trips in 4x4 in the sand dunes.

dimanche 9 janvier 2011

Atlanta , Georgia : A Travel Guide

The city of Atlanta had its moment of glory in 1996 when she presented the Summer Olympics. This city is known for its dynamic economy: 400 of the 500 largest U.S companies have their registered office in Atlaanta, including Coca-Cola and CNN. Unlike other cities of Georgia, who were strongly influenced by the Civil War, Atlanta appears primarily as a metropolis on the edge of modernity. Like any big city, Atlanta boasts of its cultural institutions and universities. Institutions like Georgia Tech, Emory University, Spelman College and Morehouse College were erased forever the label "Old South" that was working hard on this southern capital.

The 9 acres of the Martin Luther King Jr. National Historic Site (522 Auburn Avenue, 404-331-3920) include the birthplace, church and the tomb of the late Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. Guided tours are held every half hour. Located within the Martin Luther King Center for Nonviolent Social Exchange (449 Auburn Avenue NE, 404-524-1956), the tomb of Father attracts an impressive number of fidels and visitors. Several personal items were also presented in this center. Martin Luther King Jr. was pastor for eight years (1960-1968) at the Ebenezer Baptist Church (407 Auburn Avenue, 331-3920), now a focal point for visits to the National Park Service. Several plates adorning the neighborhood of Sweet Auburn, reviving memories of former residents of this black neighborhood of Atlanta , and also the architects who devoted themselves to gild the neighborhood.

The Underground Atlanta, an underground shopping mall that was recently renovated, consists of undergrounded streets where shops, restaurants and bars took place. It is possible to enter the subway station at Five Points.

The Stone Mountain Park (404-498-5698) is located 26 miles east of Atlanta on U.S Highway 78.If you're there, you will discover, carved into the largest granite monolith in the world, a remarkable monument erected in honor of the Confederacy. Confederate heroes Robert E. Lee, Stonewall Jackson and Jefferson Davis are represented. Lying in an amusement park of just under 1,300 ha, this monument is 27 m by 57 m, and laser shows are presented every summer evenings.

samedi 8 janvier 2011

Montreal Travel Guide

The metropolis of the province alive with the many cultures that compose it. The city of Montreal has a reputation among international tourists who flock from everywhere , the whole of the year for visit it. Modern and high-technologycal city, it also an attracts of investors from many countries.

Montreal offers a full range of events and festivals during the year. Successive festivals of music, comedy, dining, sports, and international festivals. All take part in the festival, residents and tourists . Some events come back year after year while others have a unique opportunity to take part in a celebration.

These are not the attractions and activities that are missing in Montreal, there's something for everyone. Whether visiting a museum, a church, a historic site, a science center, an urban park, or a multicultural area, Montreal has everything to meet the desires of all visitors. Some unique features shouldn't to be missed, as the casino or the Olympic Stadium.

Another major attraction for Montrealers, also for tourists is the subway. Montreal is one of the few cities in Canada that have an underground network of public transport. The four lines will take you almost anywhere on the island of Montreal and, if necessary, the bus is responsible for completing the route. This also leads you underground in the underground shopping center, those who, for miles, you can do window shopping much immune to the vagaries of the climate. An interesting note: this underground city, or inner, is the largest in the world. In all, nearly 33 kilometers of tunnels found in the basement of this city.

Montreal is also an exceptional offer of accommodation in all categories. There are bed and breakfasts, hostels, motels and hotels in major international reputation. All are very friendly and many of them offer attractive packages that can fully enjoy everything the city has to offer.

vendredi 7 janvier 2011


Oahu in Hawaii , the 11th largest city in the U.S. Its home to many beaches and historical sites. Oahu is nicknamed "The Gathering Place"because of different cultures and the number of visitors who flock there.

Geography and climate

With an area of 607.7 km² and 112 km of coastline, Oahu is the third largest island of Hawaii and is home to 75% of the population of states. Because of its location, Oahu ranks among some of the most remote parts of the world.


It has a mild temperature between 68 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit all the year , with the winter months are slightly cooler with frequent rainfall. The coastal water temperatures are warmer on average 76 to78 degrees.


With 139 beaches on Oahu offers unique flavors, there is no doubt that people flock Oahu because of the many beaches. There are a number of activities for everyone. You'll have to go surfing, windsurfing, body boarding or snorkeling.

The famous North Shore of Oahu hosts several beaches that are flocked by people from all over the world. During the winter, the beach sunset and the Banzai Pipeline surf destinations are great.

Diamond Head

Diamond Head is the most famous monument visible from anywhere on Waikiki Beach. This extinct volcanic peak of 231 yards receiving many hikers each day. You can follow the path that leads to the top of your own. Once there, you get an incredible view of the surroundings.

jeudi 6 janvier 2011

Halong Bay

You may think if you look int: this picture that is like a mythical legends of ' thousand and one nights', but think that this magnificent painting is a true picture of a charming places on our planet that we don't know?!

These amazing rocky islands are just a part of the thousands of small islands located in the "Halong Bay" in Vietnam.

Which you will learn through this photographed trip :

This amazing place is located in the province of Quang Ninh in the north-east of Vietnam, covers an area of 1553 square kilometers , that icnlude 1960  small island!

Surprisingly, these islands are not distributed regularly on Halong Bay, but 775 of them concentrated in the middle of the Gulf (an area of 334 km² only), what gave it this magical scenes that we see.

The reason for the existence of these rocks in that amazing way, they are two explanations, let's start Boktherhma worse:

The locals habitants  say that in thousands of years ago, when the Chinese came to  occupate Vietnam,t4 he Vietnamese emperor sent a  serious dragon to help the Vietnamese to cope with the Chinese,so this dragon jet thousands of pearls (do the tally from the flames, it seems!), which turned to rocks ,to prevent the Chinese from the progress!

The second explanation is a scientific explanation which says that the islands due to  a scientific phenomenon called karst, where the limestone areas turned to this as a result of exposure to different geological effects over the past 500 million years! (I think the easiest theory is the first one 'Dragon' :D )
Another interesting thing is that many of these islands are hollow from the within! Therefore,they contain a network of caves make it a wonderful tourist places!

In addition ,Halong Bay is home to 14 kinds of flowers, and 60 kinds of animals!

As a result,Halong Bay is considered by the UNESCO in list of the World human Heritage .

The region has a tropical maritime climate of adorable, and temperatures ranging between 15-25 degrees Celsius, so Halong Bay has become one of the most attractive tourist destinations in the world.

lundi 3 janvier 2011

Sport Tourism

Sport and physical activities are part of the wide range of leisure has become so popular with the toursits, and this new culture of outdoor recreation has grown to create a real sport tourism industry, which recently was made known internationally.

Eeach coujtry offers a number of sporting events both local or international, and they attract athletes and fans around the world: football, basketball, judo, tennis and skiing... are some of the sports most popular and gather crowds of spectators and participants of all ages: sport tourism is open to everyone: Amateurs, fans, professionals and their coaches  where they  discover the centers for training with friendly matches or competitions in international championships.

Amateur athletes and sportsmen of all disciplines can practice their sport, at the same time relax and enjoy their holiday.

They have a common desire: a high quality training in a healthy atmosphere and pleasant, with the option of being able to take leisure time to know, out of stadiums and gymnasiums, other places of the visited place, historical sites , nature reserves or its cities.

Across the country ,they  organize walks, runs and marathons, competed in all-terrain vehicle and crossed the Negev desert, and groups of cyclists ride across the country.

dimanche 2 janvier 2011

Industrial tourism

industrial tourism
For several years, tourism is becoming a very privileged sector causing each country to improve its environment. Currently, industries are also affected by this phenomenon and many of them make it a priority.Does this mean it that industrial tourism has a positive contribution to their economic affairs? To find the answer to this question, first let's develop the concept of this kind of tourism, second we move to the benefits that  it can generate .

Concept de tourisme industriel

By definition, the industrial tourism  represents all forms of plant visits made by tourists, students, professionals or individuals. It is becoming increasingly common and it's attracting more and more visitors. Indeed, several companies have already introduced these days in their monthly expenses and most students establish in advance the programs of visits to factories to practice their theoretical studies.

Most of these explorations are not free and visiting hours are usually fixed in advance. The costs of visits is the value of information (useful for each industry) and offers that the industries  give to visitors. These offers may be samples of their products, tasting, or the license to test the  manufactured equipment etc.. Furthermore, timed to allow these plants to prepare for the actions they want to perform before the public and conceal the operations they want to keep secret.

All sectors are affected by this type of tourism, but the most dynamic one's are agro-food and crafts. For example, we find the basement of the Chartreuse in Voiron in Isere, manufacturer of the famous liqueur of the Carthusians whose formula and the recipe has been kept unchanged for centuries, which provides a tour of 60 people on average every 10 minutes offers adults the opportunity to taste the products of the establishment, despite the free service. We can also quote the great workshop Cornille-Havard Channel, which produces bells in a modern way by using computers. He also receives a large number of tourists throughout the year and its rate of access is 3.35 euros per person.

There are  companies which are very famous in the organization of open-door to the public and their customers to visit their factories. Such is the example of the Rance tidal power plant, producing electricity in trade and represented by the EDF, which is home alone for over 200,000 visitors each year and thus takes a special place among the industrial sites world's most visited. There is also the site of Airbus, which, for 9 euros a tour bus for an hour and a half and offers its customers the panels and models showing the manufacture of aircraft.

So the tourism industry is more likely to only a few sectors, almost all economic activities were launched into the breach. In fact, all have seen the benefits they could draw to open the doors of their factories to the public.

The Benefits of industrial tourism

For the company, visits by the public in its workshops are proving to be a relevant and fun to make themselves known. While the objectives of these tourists are not directly in the interest of the industry in question since their first goal is simple curiosity, but these needs have discovered a very effective advertising impact for the company. EDF is the case that, by opening its doors to people who want to have ideas about the job, immediately perceived an increase in its customer base and thereby increase its sales. In other words, the communication to the public enables companies to develop their brand image and customer loyalty.

For the public, the tourism industry can acquire new knowledge. Indeed, the fact of entering the heart of the action answers many questions: how does one manufactures inks and pens? Or does one find the materials to produce porcelain plates? What are the steps they have to cross before getting to produce wine or other drinks? etc.. Moreover, it is also a way to guide young students on what they want done in their lives, the education level they should reach in order to realize the profession they intend to operate.

But tourism industry also has a positive effect on regional and national level. Indeed, by agreeing to inform the public about the technology and economic heritage of the region, an industry of a region is another challenge to make it better. This type of healthy competition does not kill the company but the push to always improve.

In conclusion, given that globalization is a forced march, companies in all areas are encouraged to connect with the global economic order not to remain a laggard.

samedi 1 janvier 2011


Capital of the Habsburg Empire for almost seven centuries, the Austrian capital is a historical city par excellence. Luxury Hotel by the prestigious Travel Site.

The city is very large and consists of 23 districts. However,the center and central districtscan be easier to be descovered on foot.

VienneThe first district (Innere Stadt) is surrounded by a ring (in German, the "Ring"). Around the Ring, we find the central districts (from the 2nd to the 9th district), which in turn are surrounded by a belt (in German "Gürtel"). The city is encircled twice.

The first district is the historical center of the capital, there is the Hofburg Imperial Palace, with its dependencies, occups most of the area of the Innere Stadt. Hofburg houses including Kaiserappartements (Apartments of the Emperor), the Museum of Sissi and Hofsilber-und Tafelkammer.

Nearby, are the Museum of Art History (Kunsthistorisches Museum), and in front a building housing the twin Museum of Natural History (Naturhistorisches Museum). Attractions in the first district is the imposing Cathedral of St Etienne. The construction of the modern Haas Haus adjacent to the 1990s has sparked controversy because the modern building breaks the uniformity of the landscape. Another attraction of the Innere Stadt: the Burgtheater on the Ring, which is among the most important theaters in the world. The Albertina palace houses a museum that houses a collection of graphic art among the largest in the world.

Apart from the historical center, many other points of interest naturally deserve a break. Among them, the Museum Quarter (museum quarter), it is a huge complex housing several renowned museums such as the Museum of Modern Art Ludwig Foundation, the Leopold Museum and the Tanzquartier Wien (the quarter of dance).

In summer, the city is installing colorful benches on the main plaza Museumsquartier, they are attacked when the sun is up! Another museum worth a coup d'oei l: the Lichtenstein Palace, which houses one of the private art collections in the world's largest.

Also during the tournament, the Schoenbrunn Palace, often called the Castle of Sissi, west of downtown. This is one of the most famous monuments of Austrian culture. Schönbrunn was granted World Heritage Site by Unesco in 1996. It will take a whole day to visit them all: the castle but also the huge French-style garden designed by a disciple of Le Nôtre, Jean Tréhet. In the park is also an animal park, one of the oldest in the world. Opposite the castle stands the Gazebo, neo-classical, which offers a wonderful view over the castle and town.

The Prater Amusement Park is a veritable lung in the city. Located between the Danube and the Danube Canal, it includes the Big Wheel, symbol of the city 65 meters high, a permanent funfair, a large park and the largest stadium in Austria.

In the 3rd district is also the Belvedere Palace, one of the largest baroque palace in Vienna, designed by Hildebrandt for Prince Eugene of Savoy.

The Belvedere now houses a museum collection, including Gustav Klimt.

For those planning a long stay in the Austrian capital, you can always arrange a trip with your car rental in Bratislava. The capital of the Slovak Republic is only 60 km! In addition, Budapest and Prague are also not very far (it takes about 4 hours drive).


MakarskaIn Croatia tourist guide, find Makarska. Sightseeing in Croatia, it is often given a special place to the Adriatic coast. For holidays in Croatia, if you love the beach and sea, the seaside resort of Makarska can be a great base. Makarska is a small town in central Dalmatia, between Split (80 km) and Dubrovnik (130 km). It is very typical of coastal towns of Dalmatia with its beautiful promenade by the sea, its landscapes typical church in the Adriatic.

MakarskaHuman-sized city, it is surrounded by many small villages in his famous Riviera. Water quality is exceptional: a blue turquoise dream ... The beaches are pebble however. The seawater is around 24 to 26 ° on average. Available in the foothills of Biokovo, those who want to combine the sea to the mountain will be filled. The mountain is rocky and can seem dry, but it offers an interesting biodibersité and various tourist activities or sports are possible. Of course, Makarska is very popular for tourists, it is invaded by Germans, Austrians, Italians and more English and French. So, infrastructure is important and quality with a lot of luxury hotels. Hotel prices have soared in 10 years. Hard to find rooms for less than 80 € in a hotel. There are many apartments for rent: the range depending on the season ranges from 200 to 500 € the week, for 4 people!

Getting around by taxi or tuk tuk in thailande?

taxi-vs-touk-toukIn most major cities but mainly in Bangkok, you will find countless taxis, tuk-tuks, and other means of transportation. Preferably use a taxi for longer distances. More comfortable and safer, the taxi is a widely used means of transport in Thailand.

Always make sure the driver starts the meter, starting price: 35 Baht. For long distances, it is possible to negotiate a fixed price for the target. Many foreigners from Bangkok airport, directly to their hotel in Pattaya or Hua Hin.

For short trips alone or with others, the tuk-tuk is a conveyance nice and cheap. Equipped with a 2-stroke engine, these engines "three wheels" will take you everywhere by revving their engines typical noise! Generally tourists like, we can not get tired of it.

For all that is urban transport as samlor, motorcycle taxi or tuk-tuk, negotiate prices is essential and is somehow part of the ritual!

Flight Tips

You're on the plane and in a confined space; What should I do?
Flight Tips

Because of constraints related to lack of space and the humidity and temperature conditions, it is recommended not to remain motionless during the flight: to rise from time to time, moving his legs (to decrease the risk of phlebitis)

Drink often and in sufficient quantity (The cabin air is very dry, humidity is about 10%).
avoid alcoholic drinks that are little more moisturizing and diuretic ...
Avoid contact lenses (because of dry cabin air)
Avoid tight pants (risk of bloat) or obstruction to traffic (risk of phlebitis)
Avoid over wearingight on whether certain diseases: taking anti-nausea if subject to motion sickness of heparin or low-dose aspirin if prone to phlebitis, wearing stockings is also advised a sleeping pill for long flights or to combat jet lag

How to save money while traveling ? (10 Tips)

Travel is a break with routine, a fun time for which it has often saved throughout the year to afford a well-deserved break by visiting a new destination

But the trip could be more expensive than what we had imagined, spending extra unplanned higher prices than what you have been notified, small pleasures or shots that come to burden the heart budget.
To control its budget or save on spending on holiday, each of us has his tricks. Some of you will probably go for the cheapskate service, but when money is tight you have to resort to some tricks.

Tips to spend less on travel :

1. Choose a hotel that offers breakfast buffet: With this formula, your breakfast will be the main meal of the day. You will often choose between a few pastries, bread and butter, jam, fruit salads, yoghurts ... enjoy it to the full energy before heading out to explore the city where you are. You'll save time and money by skipping lunch, and if you have little hungry discreetly placed one or two growing in your bag before leaving the room where you take your breakfast.
Be aware however that it is not easy to find a hotel offering a hearty breakfast in some cities such as Barcelona or Paris. But by choosing bed & breakfast in Rome or certain pensions or in most hotels of the cities in South America, you'll often surprised by the buffet that you will be offered.

2. Spend more time in one place: hotels often offer significant discounts if your stay is prolonged. Take the opportunity to fully explore the city where you stay and save on transport pass through more economic or three days a week, instead of paying for individual tickets.

3. Choose a hotel room with a kitchenette: This is the case in general for apartments rented by the day for tourists in cities such as Barcelona, Rome or Venice. You have a kitchen to heat food bought at the supermarket that will be cheaper than eating out.

On the other hand, many hotels are available in room mini fridge and / or a kettle. You'll save on drinks by buying them fresh at the supermarket and you can enjoy a hot beverage without leaving the hotel bar or street corner.

4. Ask the water with your meal at the restaurant: In countries where water quality does not pose problems, the drink will be a little flat, but much cheaper than a bottle of wine, a glass of beer or a Coke . Unfortunately for travelers who visit countries like India, it is better to ask for bottled water to avoid unpleasant surprises. You'll save on other expenses.

5. Do not dress like a tourist: In many countries, tourists are prey and those who live on the manna of tourism know to recognize them and make them pay more for certain items or services. Try to go unnoticed, avoiding the camera around his neck, sunglasses and a flowered shirt. Communicate with the public to know some prices on the market, taxi fares and other benefits.

6. Prefer walking to public transport or taxi: Wherever it's possible , walking is  better to explore your destination city. This will make you exercise, what is good for your health and your wallet, and you will discover the treasures that you could not see while traveling underground in a bus or taxi.

7. Doing things yourself: In many hotels it offers many services to make your life easier. Unfortunately, these services have a cost. Carry your bag yourself to the bedroom, you'll save on the tip to give to the hotel employee. Look yourself a taxi, it will avoid paying an extra at the hotel. Take a little soap in a tube to wash your clothes, you'll save on laundry. Scroll down the street to call, you will avoid additional charges levied by the hotel.

8. Peel the tourist brochures: Quite often hotels have received many brochures available to their customers. Feel free to bring in your room all that will interest you and view them at your leisure, you'll find coupons for bars, restaurants and tourist attractions, promotional offers for tours.

9.Let your children to their grandparents: Taking a vacation is also able to find a couple, quiet, soft moments to enjoy both. Do not feel guilty leaving your children with their grandparents, they will certainly be delighted to indulge their grandchildren in your absence.

On the other hand, the best travel deals are almost always offered outside the school holidays. If you intend to travel at the lowest price it will make them understand they can not miss school and that is Grandma and Grandpa who look after them in your absence.

10. Prefer an all-inclusive: Some prefer to arm their trip from scratch by buying their plane tickets separately, reserving the hotel and going to the restaurant. But quite often this type of travel can cost much more expensive than a formula called All Inclusive including flights, transfers between airport and hotel, full board including drinks and many activities on site.

Travel agencies are now large companies that can negotiate rates with hotels and airlines, when they do not have their own unique holiday villages. So why not check out the holiday offers all inclusive travel agency as New Frontiers, or Thomas Cook Travel Look, you'll be pleasantly surprised.

And be wary of seemingly good ideas that you'll lose more money than expected like taking a Ryanair flight that would land at low prices at midnight in a remote airport to your final destination. You must accept that the taxi fare will not hesitate to raise the price of the race because of the late hour, and you must pay a supplement in some bed & breakfast or apartments for having the unkindness to wake the owner night.

Mumbai (Bombay)

Mumbai, India .Also known as Bombay,  is known for the spectacle offered by chaotic streets. The open-air bazaars are the main attraction, where you can do business and watching people. The destinations include popular seafront Marine Drive, where visitors watch the sun set over the Arabian Sea of Oman, and Juhu Beach with its carnival atmosphere.

Gandhi Museum
Among the many other sites include Gandhi Museum,located in his former home, and the rock-cut temples of Elephanta Island. For those seeking tranquility, Mumbai is full of religious sites, lakes and parks.