mercredi 12 janvier 2011

honeymoon Destinations.

you are married or just you plan to, once you get married, you should just fly away to a heavenly destination where you host your love. For 50% of newlyweds, the honeymoon is the perfect alternative to avoid compile a list of traditional marriage. In total, 92% of married go on a honeymoon and 84% of them mentioned in the top of their wedding list.

The trip takes an average of 12 days. The newlyweds usually go between April and September. When the budget is consecrated, it represents on average between 3 000 and 4 000 €. For the honeymoon it must necessarily be memorable, even if what is the price to pay ! As the famous adage said: "When we loves, we don't count.".
Many agencies offer special brochures "honeymoon" which offer discounts on stays and extras on arrival :cocktail, bottle of wine or champagne, fruit basket, t-shirts, dinner by candlelight, upgrade ... But all the offers do not offer the same benefits: some are content to improve the ordinary, while others offer really interesting offerings.
Among the most popular destinations for lovers, the islands are classified as winners - Mauritius, Seychelles, Maldives, Reunion, Polynesia, Dominican Republic, Martinique ... - for their cocktail white sand, palm trees and clear waters. But all the lovebirds do not aspire to bask in the sun for hours. Some also want to see the country, barouder. Hence the emergence offers the most authentic, but also more active as African safaris, treks in Oceania and new destinations for weddings: Thailand, India, Namibia ... A good compromise exists: a combination of two weeks of relaxing (usually at the end) and a discovery more "roots".

The best time to go
Polynesia: April-October
Caribbean, Costa Rica and Argentina: from December to April.
India: November to March
Mauritius and Reunion: May-November
Maldives: December to April
Southern Africa: from May to October

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